Boats of Situ Patengan (Patengan Lake) - HDR

Lembang Tea Fields

Kawah Putih another view

Village view

Village another view

Ranca Walini Tea Field

Ranca Upas camping ground another view

Scenery at Gunung Simpang

View from my balcony. #pinoditavacation

Dried Lake

The view sukarasa endah ciwidey bandung indonesia #scenery #sukarasaendah #sukarasaendahcottage #oneplusshot #oneplus #oneplusone #1+1 #view #landscape #landscapephotography #oneplusonephotography #bandung #ciwidey #ciwideybandung #cottage #snapshot #snap

Spectacular #view

This view???????? ????pic by me: @chrisnavalkeniz

I'd rather go green, red, white and blue. . . . #gogreen #trip #travel #travelling #traveller #journey #adventure #view #panorama #nature #photography #sky #cloud

Where rice comes from . . . #paddyfields #view #panorama #nature #trip #journey #travel #travelling #traveller #adventure #photography

900 m dpl

Situ Cileunca best sky

Downstream from Situ Cileunca

A beautiful lake after rain

Ciwidey village

situ patenggang

The Earth We Stand On

White Crater

Rancabali-West Java-Indonesia

The Place For Me

Stone in the Pond

Situ Patenggang

Rancabali tea plantation

Biru Tertutup Awan di Kebun Teh Ciwidey

Ranca Walini and Surrounding

Surrounding of Ranca Walini

Lost tree

Kawah Putih, West Java

Kawah Putih, West Java

Lost in the fog