White Bird Canyon battlefield
Pittsburg Saddle
Old hwy 95 - White Bird Hill road
White Bird Canyon battlefield
Where one soldier died - 1877
Upper meadow
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One Switchback of many on White Bird Hill - a steep grade on Hwy 95 Central Idaho just above the time line 120817-094126 C4Tc
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C&J's living room view
The road down
Switchbacks to White Bird
South down the Salmon
Coon Hollow Formation panorama
Coon Hollow Formation panorama
Coon Hollow Formation
Coon Hollow Formation panorama
Pittsburg Landing overlook panorama
Coon Hollow Fm panorama
Lower Salmon River 2005
Lower Salmon River 2005
Coon Hollow Formation
Salmon River Bridge
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Route 95, Northern Idaho 15
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