Toledo Ohio - Toledo Museum of Art - Exterior View - Historic

UT Center for Visual Arts: "Strange Brew"

UT Center for Visual Arts: "LOOK UP"

Toledo Ohio - The Toledo Museum of Art - Sunset View

Approach Medium

Playin' in the Snow

My Dad & His 3 yr. Project

Bent Custom Neon

Electrified Neon

New Digs

Beer & a Boat

New View

M/V Saginaw from the new perch

SS Alpena - Toledo

Algoma Spirit - Toledo

Industrial Railroading

High & Wide With the Algosteel

DSCF0783 - Pantyhose by Cette Style is Panama these are 15 Denier and Shade is Soleil

Inbound Downtown

Schoonmaker deck with a view of Toledo

DSCF0789 - Pantyhose by Cette Style is Panama these are 15 Denier and Shade is Soleil

Algoma Olympic at Dusk


Ohio Wetlands

A Night With the Saginaw

NS 67Z - Northwood, Ohio


CSX Q289-26 CP Returns Home

Risky Steps

Predawn in the Glass City

Ottawa River

July 13 day 194

Bridge Over the Maumee

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I have repeatedly asked that my taxes be raised so that more nature boardwalks could be built.

Toledo's Union Terminal

Former Kmart Perrysburg, OH

A small ornamental birch for an abandoned Sears from 1960 in Toledo.

Order Within Chaos

Printemps à pied

Lake Erie Near Toledo, Ohio