Battleship North Carolina 4681

View fron the end of my street

Cape Fear River Rolling on Past Just the Same

Cape Fear Memorial Bridge

Cape Fear Memorial Bridge

TrackHead Studios - Need a Shave?

My Little Visitor

Battleship Down

Bradley Creek

Stories to be told.....

M35 2.5 Ton Medium Truck Right Side View

Big Guns On the USS North Carolina (for diskdoc)

M35 2.5 Ton Medium Truck Front View


1013 Ordnances of the Ships Named North Carolina Img_19165

USS North Carolina

USS North Carolina.

USS North Carolina Stern

Wildlife Viewing

Wilmington, NC

Superstructure of USS North Carolina, BB55

River Run

River Sunset Burnished

Wrightsville Beach, NC.

Bradley Creek Wilmington, NC

How far does the rabbit hole go.....

Most Colorful Sunset I Ever Saw

Airlie Gardens

Bradley Creek

Bradley Creek

Rice Creek, near Winnabow, Brunswick County, North Carolina 3

Bradley Creek

Serenity at Rock Creek Barn

Whiskey Creek Sunrise

Mmm That was tasty, where's the next batch?

USS North Carolina - Labor Day Weekend

Trail's End

Backlit Japanese Maple

Town Creek, Brunswick County, NC

Sound of Silence

Trail's End