Sunset Stork

Dying Mall

Oerlikon 20mm AA

Osprey- Hudson Beach

Scarlet Skimmer (immature male)- Holiday Recreation Complex

Band-winged Dragonlet (male)- Veteran's Memorial Park

Little Blue Heron- Hudson Beach

Brown Pelican, Hudson Beach

Four-spotted Pennant (female)- Holiday, Florida

Close-Up of Community Congregational Church, New Port Richey, Florida (2 of 4)

Salt Springs

Front of Community Congregational Church, New Port Richey, Florida (1 of 4)

Worship Entrance, Community Congregational Church, New Port Richey, Florida (4 of 4)

Florida Storms

Office Entrance, Community Congregational Church, New Port Richey, Florida (3 of 4)

Green Heron, Green Key (Robert K. Rees Park)

Little Blue Heron- Hudson Beach

Anhinga- Hudson Beach

Anhinga, Hudson Beach

Florida Storms

Central Pasco & Gulf Railroad

Island in the Clouds

View from St.Luke's

View from St.Luke's

View from St.Luke's

BW Tree

Daily gift

Sunset over the gulf of Mexico

Red-shouldered Hawk (juvenile)- A nice and regular Yard Bird.

Hudson Ave (Explored)

Red Knot- Sunwest Park

A quiet peaceful moment of color blazes the sky at Salt Lake

Someone painted an orange sky over the water

A quiet peaceful moment of color before its gone...

Florida Storms

Cicada KIller (Sphecius speciosus)

Variegated Fritillary (Euptoieta claudia)

Oak Hairstreak (Satyrium favonius)

Scarlet Skimmer (female)- Holiday, Florida

Werner-Boyce Salt Springs State Park

Cuban Tree Frog- Back Porch