Downtown Columbus

Ring in Yellow

So Close Yet So Far

In Your Face

Wide Angle

Mono Statehouse

New View


View from the Bridge

Day 185 - Flowers n' Fences

Mossy Forest

Beautifully Horizontal

Columbus By Night

Evening Sky in Columbus

Bus Stop Bokeh

Day 210 - Summer is for Riding

(22) Columbus, Ohio

My current view.

Day 205 - Colorful Getaway

Campus in Constant Flux

Sacred Cow

Hayden Falls

Downtown Railroad Tracks

darby bend lakes

Indian Run Falls

Hayden Run Falls

Hayden Run Falls

Sun in a Snow Puddle

Back alley off of High St

Hayden Falls3

Song Sparrow

Flooded Scioto Creek

At the park with @cappuccinofrosting & @krangus

Ohio's Capital City

afternoon delight

On a Road Near You...

Goodbye storm

Antrim Lake


There Be Dragons

Columbus Ohio Riverfront