winter blues

It's just Water over the Dam

Star Power

Layers of Blue on White

being elemental

Second Gear

Moon over Massachusetts

IMG_0240: Fall Color

Fire & Ice

Rainy Day Blues

Dinosaur Footprints

lower, wolves

Down, In Front!!!

A View....

the winter trees

Rainbow Colored III

Smooth Landing

a fire upon the deep

This is Color

back of beyond

Christmas Balls?

Autumn on the Backroads of New England

The Reds Win

Across the Lake

The Oxbow

Light and shadows of New England Autumn

And how beautiful life is...

Mr Froggy

Yep, that's Ice ~ Exciting, huh?

Autumn in Amherst

berries encased in ice

Don't Fence me Out

meadows on my mind

Smith Conservatory.

Starting our New England tour in Massachusetts

Autumn Road to Mount Holyoke

Paint me.

Connecticut River South Hadley