Moon Rise From Forest Floor (Explored at #18)

The Crow

Early Morning Light

Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair. ~Kahlil Gibran (Explored)

Following the Tree Line

Winter Berries

Boughs of Blue Hue

Fall Colors in Early Morning Snow

Franken-Rod [full rear]

Egrets? I've had a few....

Winged Beauty

Plum Crazy Dodge Charger [right view]

2012 Nebraska State Track and Field Championships

Rat Dash

UP 5515 - SCBCY-15 - Millard NE


Asleep in the Setting Sun

snow dome

The view from our porch

View from tonight. Beautiful evening for a run. #f3coalminer

And today's color is YELLOW!!

Flutter By

The Pond


almost had a tornado

Dairy Farm


The Good Life

Corn Field HDR (44)


Stuttgart, Germany 4

On the Edge of Night

Idyllic snowy lane #nofilter

MCBNC over Papio Creek - Omaha NE

Standing Bear Lake Sunset

DSC00536_HDR (1)

black butterfly

Sometimes, endings are beautiful #sunset

Zorinsky Lake2

Standing Bear Lake

goldfinch on flower
