Don't Fence Me In

King of the Road

Saved By Zero

Ferrari 458 Italia

Sky Watch, Fog


boeing b-17g flying fortress

Castles in the Air

Social Distancing

It's the Journey

"Screamin' Sasquatch"

a view from my sisters in Peoria, Arizona

1954 Kaiser Roadster Custom

The Painted Desert

Hurricane Newton Pre-Arrival

Kaiser Darrin

Leader Of The Pack

The Lead Solo

Major Caroline Jensen

What Are You Looking At!


Dead silence.

Fahrt im Heißluftballon

Mr. Monsoon

Cholla to the World

I am Aware

national geographic

Let it Rain

Myebay2016.com. John Osborn have a wonderful day :-) everyone #fox10phoenix #waterfallsaroundtheworld #waterfalls @myebay2016.c.o.m_john @myebay2016com

It has to be perfect. Play Ball!

Alone Again, Naturally

Landscape Portrait

"Stravinsky's Ball"

Long Story

Another Ho-Hum Sunset Tonight

#waterfallsaroundtheworld #waterfalls #fox10phoenix #johnosborn myebay2016.com. 602-865-9527.

#waterfallsaroundtheworld #waterfalls myebay2016.com John Osborn have a wonderful day :-) everyone :-)

#waterfallsaroundtheworld #waterfalls #fox10phoenix have a wonderful day :-) everyone #johnosborn myebay2016.com. Cell 602-865-9527.

Arizona 6:00pm

Arizona Autumn Weather