Uwharrie Vineyards-Survived The Harvest

Uwharrie Vineyards 4


KVUJ Aerial PVP 2013-2

pre siesta view

KVUJ Aerial PVP 2013-1

KVUJ Aerial PVP 2013-3

KVUJ Aerial PVP 2013-4

KVUJ Aerial PVP 2013-6

KVUJ Aerial PVP 2013-7

KVUJ Aerial PVP 2013-5

End of the Trail //

Just sittin' there

KVUJ Aerial PVP 2013-10

KVUJ Aerial PVP 2013-8

KVUJ Aerial PVP 2013-11

Enjoying the View...

KVUJ Aerial PVP 2013-12

Autumn Gold

View of the Lake House from the Water

View of the altar and Christmas tree

One Boat Pond

Now that it's all over, what did you really do yesterday that's worth mentioning?

Weekend peace where the water is warmer than the breeze. #summer2014 #highrocklake

Rural NC


Barringer's Farm

Sunset on High Rock Lake

Barringer's Farm

100_4461Baden Lake.jpg

Sunset on High Rock Lake

Sunset on High Rock Lake