The muddy waters of the Brazos River

Who is Corey Brooks?

Party time at the ranch

BNSF work train at Rosenberg Junction TX

Rosenberg Junction TX

Ox-bow Lakes & Evening Shadows

Brazos River Meanders

The Brazos Was 'Ere

Chuck is a duck. This is...

It Occurred To Jane That The Tree Was Probably Happier Than She'd Ever Be

Two Jack Pumps In A Field

Reciprocating Oil Pump And Storage Tanks

Two Horsehead Pumps

Gas Field With Pumps

Jack Pumps And Storage Tanks

Prairie Fences

I was distracted by this while cycling into a 25 mph headwind this morning. #mysocalledweekend #mscwspace

On a photography adventure with @sapurahlashari


Grass Curve

Cotton harvest, Austin County TX

Harvesting cotton near Wallis TX


Polo at sunset

Harvesting cotton near Wallis TX

Sunning Jib

Camporee Nov 11, 2007 002

Camporee Nov 11, 2007 005

Camporee Nov 11, 2007 019

Subaru Forester Sunset - Orchard, Texas