The Duck Pond

Capitol View

Utah Capitol – Long View

time slices

winter's embrace

first impressions

To Never Let Go Of The Stone...

fruit cluster, smooth sumac, Mt Olympus trail

a bit of this, a bit of that

"Hotaru, koi!"

Birds Eye View

"We'll get from here to there, eventually."

Variations on a theme

Hold that pose.

The Mote of The Brother's Eye

N163HQ Midwest | Embraer 190-100LR | Salt Lake City International Airport

watch your step

Salt Lake City blues, USA

A gift from a flower to a garden

Who, me?!

Near the top

Salty Grid


Delirious Red

Wavy With Gravy

Red Jello Salad

Monuments Hold on Chaos Road

DAY 192

Fuzzy Dude

Turkey Brain & Shoulder Pain

Endless Fracture Formative

You Cannot Hide In The Sky

The Smugglers: R, B, B&W

Sunset At Parley's

SLC skyline - explored

On my way home I remember only good things

Bountiful Lake

Sunsets on Salt Lake City