Overlook Park View from the Shadows

Overlook Park

Unidentified Firefly (Lampyridae) R4627 Martin Co, IN PFN

Northern Broken-Dash (Wallengrenia egeremet) female R2209 Martin Co IN PFN

Chigger?? Hard Tick larva (Ixodidae) on a white sock R9865 Martin Co, IN PFN

Flood View from Pinnacle Rock

Flood View from Pinnacle Rock

White River Overlook - Shoals, IN

White River Overlook - Shoals, IN

White River Overlook - Shoals, IN

White River Overlook - Shoals, IN

White River Overlook - Shoals, IN

White River Overlook - Shoals, IN

White River Overlook - Shoals, IN

White River Overlook - Shoals, IN

Panorama - White River Overlook

View from US 50 in Martin County, Indiana

Brooks Bridge (HDR)

Brooks Bridge Support

The Road

Indiana, Martin County, Mail Pouch, Kentucky Club, and Meramec Caverns (8,320-2) (18,454-2) (18,502-2)


root and water

Indiana route 50 scenery

Fiery Skipper (Hylephila phyleus) male, ventral R8532 Martin Co, IN PFN

wood and moss

Roosting Falcate Orangetip (Anthocharis midea) female in Flowering Dogwood R4980 Martin Co IN

Tawny-edged Skipper (Polites themistocles) R8626 Martin Co, IN PFN

Eastern Tailed Blue (Cupido comyntas) male dorsal, R2356 Butlers' Farm, IN PFN

Shoals, Indiana Overlook

Survivor! Common Buckeye (Junonia coenia) with bird damage R8934 Martin Co, IN PFN

Caterpillar Walks on Water: Eastern Tent Caterpillar (Malacosoma americana) R5161 MartinCo IN 16x9

_MG_4486 Pawpaw flowers MartinCo IN PFN

Black Swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes asterias) male dorsal R2269 Butlers' Farm, IN PFN

Butlers' Farm, Martin Co, Indiana PFN

Black Swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes asterias) male dorsal R2266 Butlers' Farm, IN PFN

Empty Black Rat snake nest R7445 Martin Co, IN PFN

Jug rock! A rock that looks like a jug! #SpringBreakRaging #indiana

Robber fly (Diogmites sp.) R3949 Martin Co, IN PFN