Neel, Ohio- Eagle Chapel Schoolhouse

Eagle Creek Bridge, Brown County, Ohio 35-08-18

Russellville, Ohio- Baird Schoolhouse

Unity Woods - Adams County, Ohio

Kirker covered bridge, Adams Co, OH side view

Small waterfall in Adams County, Ohio

Scott Township-John T. Wilson Home and Farm (OHPTC)

Chaparral Prairie State Nature Preserve - Adams County, Ohio, USA - August 1, 2014

Chaparral Prairie State Nature Preserve - Adams County, Ohio, USA - August 1, 2014

Tree in the middle

In living color

Pepper and Salt Skipper - Amblyscirtes hegon - Adams County, Ohio, USA - May 8, 2007 -01-mod

Prairie Dock (Silphium terebinthinaceum)

Spicebush (Lindera benzoin)

Pearl Crescent (Phyciodes tharos)

00123 (76)

Small waterfall in Adams County, Ohio