auto service

Another view of the pond. #art_camera #bpa_nature #eye_for_earth #pond #landscape_captures ##heart_imprint #igdaily #jj_nature #mafia_naturelover #atagwithnoname #nature_perfection #nature_brilliance #ptk_nature #fifty #fingerprintofgod #everything_imagin

The red bridge

back to school

the glass menagerie

Open Text 2011-03-30

moparfest 2012 -1-13

sunlite trees

Pilot's Seat — 28/365

Enjoying the view from the bridge

moparfest 2012 -1-8

Front View

Tendrils — 93/365

View from near Crosshill

The Belly

on assignment

Head on

Side View

Day 176: The self-portrait artist's dream

Yesterday I was at the home of some new friends, who given me an open invitation to come and take photos on their beautiful property whenever I want! This is just one of the inspiring views I was drinking in. You'll be seeing a lot more of the photos I t

Waterloo in Snow



Country Roads

Nope, It's No HDR.

2012-09-27 09.09.33

A beautiful Autumn day on the golf course ! #funnymomentsingolf

2012-09-27 09.09.33


Last of the fall colours on the Nith River

Can You Feel It Now

Beautiful fall colours #whatyouseewhengolfing

Summer Harvest

Niagara Falls

Walking in the park

Icy Trees.jpg


Grist Mill

Nith River at Carmel-Koch Road

Dove andiamo a correre

Rocky Pacific
