1952 Oldsmobile

uca... u see ant... hbw my friends hiccups... hic ;-)

Gretchen's Profile

Colorful tachs

Tachinid flies

Colorful tachs

Woodland Ground Beetle

Guilford County Veterans Memorial

Scarlett [sign in to Flickr to see more]

Varied Carpet Beetles

-The View of the court from the nosebleed section

Roll the Dice

Greensboro Skyline & Sunset at Grasshoppers Ballpark View is Downtown GSO

The Old Mill of Guilford (Under Bridge View)

The Old Mill of Guilford (Stone Wall View)

Old World Santa Up Close

Where to Now ? X09973

Mother's Day X09925

Old Guilford Mill (Inside View)

Time Goes On

Christmas Candy Ornament

Trail Through Winter Wonderland

029 Morning at the pond Townsend Trail Greensboro, NC USA

moon tree2 GSO, NC USA

In Times Like These

003 Sun on the tree Brown Summit, NC USA

010 Sun Shot Reedy Fork Trail Greensboro, NC


Bog Gardens Dr. Joe stream

016 Samwise Townsend Trail Greensboro, NC USA


008 Morning painting Greensboro, NC USA

Bryan Park Golf Course

004 Townsend Lake Townsend Trail Greensboro, NC USA

Watching the sun set in NC!

the pond

Step closer

Old Mill of Guilford (Antique)

The Cardinal Country Club

Tanic water Reflection Palmetto Trail Greensboro NC 0791

Gillespie Park Golf Course

I found some peace in the gardens today. #iphone4 #thewayiseethings #boggarden #greensboro