The Channel

Golden Sunrise at Norah Head, Central Coast, Soldiers Point, NSW, Australia

Over the fence at Warnervale

View across the paddock.


Norah Head Lighthouse

Tuggerah Lake

guiding light

Magenta Hues

A bowl with a view

Soldiers Beach Crater

Ocean Views

Dinner Time

Budgewoi Lake Sunset Pano

Norah Head Lighthouse

The Entrance Redo Two

On the Bank

20130821_0830 lake view at The Entrance

half a long jetty

Lead the Way

The Entrance

reflective days

2 5 2

Norah Sun Burst

sunset tones

M o n d o r l a V a l l e y - D o o r a l o n g

Perfect Morning

Shooting Star


1 (1 of 1)

Suggestive Blaze


Norah Head Dawning


Berkeley Vale Jetty.

Gosford over yonda

Long Jetty

T u g g e r a h L a k e