Brownsville's broken dreams

Let it Snow

Speers Bridge HDR

Morning Coal Train

Sam Thompson Distillery, West Brownsville, PA

Main Street Street Running

My view of tonight's cage match with @rwapro . Awesome show.

You've got to love what's lovable, and hate what's hateable. It takes brains to see the difference. ~Robert Frost~

Mon River Coal Ops

There's a Train Rolling Down the Street!!

Over the Hills and Far Away

Street Running in West Brownsville

W&LE trestle in autumn (4)

Auto Glass installed, Brownsville, PA

Brownsville, PA

Debbie's Delite

Banning Bridge View 1

View from Deck of High Point Restaurant and Lounge

Sir William

CSX 963(ES44AC)


Cedar Creek Gorge

The river runs wide....

WE 3067 @ Charleroi

Scenery Hill Rolling Farm Land

Youghiogheny River at Cedar Creek Park


Monday morning BPRR

Cedar Creek

Wick Haven - falls-1

E813-17 @ East Monongahela

Old mining railway tunnel. #tunnel #railway #bridge #creek #rocks

Mon Valley Sunset

Bridge over Cedar Creek

Palmer Park, Donora

Franchised Landscape #6

Studying for Finals

Luzerne Lake

Guffey Cemetery


3 On The Side
