90's Consist On the Beach

The Lonely Docks

Autumn Whispers To The Falling Leaves

Evil Conspiring Pelican

Childhood 2

On the Fountain (2/52) [Explored]

Childhood (1/52)

Bright Eyes and Upturned Faces

Black Skimmer

Bay Bluffs Park, 3400 Scenic Hwy, Pensacola, Florida, USA

Kelly Clarkson

Seventeen [Explored]

ROCK (5/365) [Explored]

View from a customers garage!! It looks like #corona time to me!! #gulfbreeze #florida #workgrind

Oaks View

Another Perfect Day

View from my office

Flying The Friendly Skies

The view from Bagelheads

Gila & The Painter

Ova 2

The call (edit 3)

Pensacola Florida_0001

and just for giggles...

Dreams of mine

The first beach day of 2015

End of Cora

Sunset on Pensacola Bay

Around Holmes

Evening dig

FLORIDA - 2.28 - 3.4.13 (set) 8

A point to tread

New development

Afternoon find

Pleasant afternoon

Dock At Allen Williams Seafood

Walk to paradise

Front Row Seat

Pensacola Bay Sunrise

Pensacola, FL

Escambia Bay - Pensacola, Florida

Peace out Florida