Raven's Roost

Sunset at Ravens Roost

Ravens Roost Tree

Sunset at Ravens Roost II

Blue Ridge Blue Hour

Chesapeake & Ohio 5802 - Afton, Virginia

Day's End

Cumulus on the Blue Ridge Parkway 2011

South River

Shoot & Score_04

Lagoon Nebula M8 & Trifid Nebula M20 setting 2012

Moon Spica & Saturn

Couple enjoying the View - Ravens Roost Overlook @ MP 10.7 on the Blue Ridge Parkway - Lyndhurst, VA

Rockfish Valley

view near Afton, Virginia

Clouds Roll In

Moon-lit Oak II Spica & Saturn 2011

White Dogwood

Spicebush Swallowtail

Afternoon View From Ravens Roost 1633

Tree at Ravens Roost 2011

peace and harmony

January Snow

Blue Ridge Parkway-Virginia

Lone Pine-Blue Ridge Mountains-Virginia 2624

Blue Ridge Mountains-Virginia 2636

Perseid Meteor Shower from Raven’s Roost on the Blue Ridge Parkway as the Milky Way fades into dawn

Raven Roost overlook

Shenandoah Sunset

Viewing East from Moormans River Overlook

Along the Railroad

Appalachian Sunrise

Wisteria in Silhouette

Raven Roost Overlook

blue ridge

Moutain Escape