Burlington Canal

Backlit Spider

Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus)

Northern Cardinal - male (Cardinalis cardinalis)

Lake Ontario Shoreline

Lake Ontario Shoreline

Lake Ontario Shoreline

Lake Ontario Shoreline

Salmon Charter, Port Credit, Mississauga

Salmon Charter, Port Credit, Mississauga

Salmon Charter, Port Credit, Mississauga

Morning in Yellow

Northern Flickers (Colaptes auratus)

Lance-tipped Darner - male (Aeshna constricta)

Evening on the Bronte Pier

Snow Day, No Way! #FlatWhite @tampcoffeeco, #BurlON hit the spot today. Crafted by @kevthings. #coffee #espresso #cafe #ONStorm


Lakeshore Sunrise Tree Portrait

Peloton Passes Through Bronte

Kyu Grading (21.06.2014) - 07

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