Hawaii Wildfire Summit_Field Workshop_5_4_2018_12_Summit to sea view of wildfire issues

Hawaii Wildfire Summit_Field Workshop_5_4_2018_13_Summit to sea view of South Kohala

DSC_0647 - on the way back to the sunny side

view of maui

Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa

Purple Dawn 6:21am

View of the top of Mauna Kea from Jock's lanai

Morning Glories

Over the puʻu 6:29am

Ranch House, Saddle Road, Hawaii

Waikoloa - Volcanic Farmland Panorama

Waikii Ranch Firewise Hazard Assessment_03_06_17_30_View of large home surrounded by trees and grasslands copy

July 1st sunrise, Waikōloa

Mauna Kea from Saddle Road

Mauna Kea Trip 3

After Christmas

Horizonte - Big Island - Hawaii

Merry Christmas

Post Forest Fire above Waikoloa

The Ranch above Waikoloa

Saddle Roadside

Field of Clouds

kohala clouds

under Hawaiian skies



Snow day drive

Waikoloa - Sea, Trees and Fence

Snow day drive

Waikoloa - Road to Waimea

Wild turkey near Waimea, HI_May 2013

Cinder cones of some sort.