cups and beans
Jakobermauer - Fünfgratturm
three cups version 2
glasses with flowers
extra shot
the orange cup
three trees
Augsburg at night
kein Schnee, aber doch weiß :-)
glasses on green
am Lech
the final power of the sun
sugar, coffee and cacao
Straight as an arrow...
blue cup
da komm ich schon rauf! (sw)
Das Fenster bei Nacht
beim Zinsmoaschda
blue cup version 2
The Colours of Winter
DB 185 263
The Colours of Winter
The Colours of Winter
Feld - Night
Autumn impressions 2
Sissi Schloss 3
Sissi Schloss 4
Feld - 50mm
Feld - 50mm
BWI3 2012_04_148_24. April 2012
Schwebfliege/ Hoverfly
Lueginsland I
Волшебные фонтаны виллы Д'Эсте в #Тиволи. #артурякуцевич #италиявапреле #жизньвкайф #ЖИЗНЬВИТАЛИИ #ЖИЗНЬВРИМЕ
Sunset Augsburg
Feld - 50mm
One more thing...