Sequence (variation)

View of the Fox River From the Pottawatomie Pavillon - Saint Charles IL

swallow squabble

We've got the land, but they've got the view

Battle Scarred

Between the Steel, Redux

Wheaton, IL, Herrick Lake Forest Preserve, Lake Landscape

St. Charles view

The Paramount Theatre in Aurora, Illinois

Naperville Park Bench

Poinsettia Triptych

My Garden

The Blue Days of Winter

Wheaton, IL, Cantigny Park, View from the Gazebo

You. With the Camera.

Hotel Baker Gazebo - Carroll Tower - Saint Charles IL

Touring Fermilab - Tractricious

Before the green...

View of Main Street Bridge and Downtown at Christmas - Saint Charles IL

A change of perspective...

Wheaton, IL, Herrick Lake Forest Preserve, Landscape

Pavilion - Pottawatomie Park - Saint Charles IL

McDowell preserve (pano)

fun with hipstamatic on my morning run

Herrick Lake

The look and feel of it

Heritage Lake Sunset

The little red house

El campo radiante

New find

Herrick Lake

Look To The East

Lots of kids (goslings)

Herrick lake trail

Day/Night Transformation

Unincorporated Village

Noon Plexus

LeRoy Oakes Forest Preserve

... dreamy way

Woman and Dog