Coca-Cola ghost sign - Downtown Clinton, Tennessee

Cantilever Barn

A Drone's View

WALL-E Takes a Wrong Turn

Norfolk & Southern Engine #5037 & Old Railroad Bridge

Southern Wood

Domestic Wall

Anderson County, TN Courthouse - Clinton, TN

Ritz Theater - Clinton, TN

Norfolk & Western Class A No. 1218 Crosses Bull Run Creek

Greetings From The Atomic City - Oak Ridge, Tennessee

Skyward View in the Forest

Clinch River Bridge - Clinton, TN

Norris House Grey Water Garden Elevation

Market St in Clinton, TN

Dissecting Class

Rowe Martin's Chair

2013-10-26 PS-9

Rusty bridge

A Walk in the Woods at the Cheneworth Gap

Secrets in the Valley

Norris Dam

Rice Mill

Melton Lake Park6

Norris Dam State Park

East Tennessee Reflections

CN 5031, L&N 1221 & 1257 & SCL 1950

L&N 1272, 1231 & 7043 and L&N 3586 & 2 more

L&N 1496 & 4 more

L&N C30-7 7051, SD40-2s 1264 & 1271, and SD40 1247

Wedding venue

Green Water, Blue Skies

NS Local T12

For Pam...Fog on the Water

Looking Back

Managed Bamboo

O&W 9955, 9956, 9957 & 9953

Norris Through the Trees

O&W 9951, 9950, 9954 & 9957

L&N 1549, SCL 1969 & 1516

In a Fog