Is it going to be like this all day?

A pair of eagles having a discussion

Bear Sliding Series - this is fun

Bear Sliding Series - the fall

Peoria State Hospital

Window Light

Sandhill Crane on the move

Black Bears - having a discussion

Elevated Train Sky View 01172015

Country at Twilight 05102015

Illinois' Wildlife Prairie State Park

Great Horned Owl

Fawn in the woods

Black Bear doing some sledding

Tazewell & Peoria Profile

Early Fall Colors

Fawn on Path

Cougar on the move!

Cougar - Bath Time

Bear Belly Slide 1 of 4

Whitetail Buck

Darkness at Noon

Beautiful day at the kickapoo winery!

BNSF Peoria Sub opens after THE FLOOD OF 2013.

Reed City Lake

The Sprite 10292014

Beautiful day at the kickapoo winery!


Beautiful day at the kickapoo winery!


Beautiful day at the kickapoo winery!

Leafy Spectre 10292014

Brooding 10292014

Give me a home...

Beautiful day at the kickapoo winery!

BNSF 540 PIA Adams

Reed City Lake 05172013

Wildlife Prairie Park

Storm Approaching

Beautiful day at the kickapoo winery!