Fields For Furrows

Dissociation Station

The Duck Pond

heavenly trick or treat...

"Nibbana is unalloyed bliss"

Bell Canyon falls.

first contact

blue-green daydream

not all stars are in the skies above

coming out of quarantine

Waking from the winter sleep.

All Trails East

show some respect, he lives here

two in a series

one in a series

three in a series

a view from a bridge

Uprising (when trees ruled the Earth, part 2)

"That was the easy part...."

A Wonderful Plane-side Sunset in Utah

shadow on split granite

Comfort This Perch

Lone Peak

Utah Valley panorama at twilight

Salted Path

A wide valley

Toll To Challenge The Tower

Weight of The World

Utah Railway

The struggle to get a shot through Bell Canyon Falls' high water spray

Pieces Of My Shattered Mirror

Rivers & Roads

Stair Of The Grain

Those Yet To Come

Mt Olympus on a winter day

Stormy Evening at Oquirrh Lake

Lightning storm

Bryce canyon

little cottonwood canyon

Herriman Highway