Black-bellied Whistling Duck

Wood Stork in flight

Wood Stork in flight 2

Happy Thanksgiving!

Green Orchid Bee (Euglossa viridissim)

Morikami IR 1

seat w/ a view

Portrait of a female Pileated Woodpecker

Bon Voyage!



Ten Years On Flickr!

Encore Dock Party

New To Ondu


Systems of chaos

At the Crack of Dawn

Boca Bound

Great White Egret about to take off

Swamp Music

Good Morning, Sunshine!

Morikami Falls

Gone Wild

as the fog lifted

Green Cay Sunrise

Fort Lauderdale River Walk

Kite Surfing at Delray Beach, Florida

Feeling Blue

Fort Lauderdale River Walk

Florida Wetlands

Peaceful Egret


Abstract Orange

Great Egret

South Beach Night Scene

Sky Rhythm


South Beach Night Scene

Lake-Scape Symmetry

Sky Rhythm

Abstract Scape

Lake Window