Beckman Mill

View from the couch

An inner light from outer space.

Crimson De Light

Weeping Willow Wonderland

Over Coffee

Cooper's Hawk (Accipiter cooperii)

Sun enhanced clover eclipse

Fog Your Night in Blue

Rockton, IL police


Cooper's Hawk (Accipiter cooperii)

White-throated Sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis)

Snow Fields

Nygren Wetlands, another view

My brother Dick's 1953 Studebaker Champion Regal Starliner - view from my bedroom window - Rockford IL - Late Spring 1958

Backwater Bleak

Classic Plymouth Hood Ornament

Do Ya Get My Drift?

Tell the world I lived a moment (Isolated Tree - wideshot)

Private Preserve

Straw Boss

A Sunny Disposition

70 mph winds!

Gimmie Shelter

A Prairie Scene

The Ways Of Water

Straw Boss

Nygrens Wetlands, Rockton, Illinois, USA

Rockton IL Route 2 Bridge

Nygren Wetlands, Rockton, IL - April 2012 ~ {Explored}

Rockford, IL December Boat Ride

Grove Aire

Raccoon Creek at Beckman Mill Park

Get Outside.

Just Wading Around For Dinner

Winter Sunset - Rockton, Illinois, USA (Winnebago County)

four lakes

Dry Run Creek in Rockton, Illinois, USA (Winnebago County)

Sugar River Valley