Chagrin Again

Waters Flowing Over Brandywine Falls (Cuyahoga Valley National Park)


The Forest and Woods Beyond the Ledges Overlook (Cuyahoga Valley National Park)

Brandywine Falls

Brandywine Falls - CVNP

Rock formation at the Ledges

1930 Ford Model A Town Sedan

Brandywine Falls

Brandywine Falls

Sunset at Corbett's Farm

DSCF7453 - Pantyhose by Pretty Polly Style Naturals 8 Denier Shade is: Golden Glow

Brandywine Falls

Brandywine Falls

One of 58,175 (Daffodil bulb for each US soldier dying in the Vietnam War)

Reminiscing about the sunny days... Scenic overlook at ledges at cuyahoga valley national park...

Snow Dusted Autumn at Brandywine Falls

Water Falling Across Brandywine Falls (Cuyahoga Valley National Park)

Up and Over

View from The Ledges Overlook

Brandywine Falls, Cuyahoga Valley National Park HDR

Beautiful Brandywine Falls

Brandywine Falls (BW), Northfield, OH, October, 2018

Rapids and Waters of Brandywine Creek (Cuyahoga Valley National Park)

Chagrin Falls - Chagrin Falls, Ohio.

I Headed out into the Woods Alone with Only a Joyful Song to Sing! (Cuyahoga Valley National Park)

I Found So Many Pleasures to Give Life in the Forest and Woods (Cuyahoga Valley National Park)

Across the Waters of Brandywine Falls and the Nearby Landscape (Cuyahoga Valley National Park)

I Found So Many Pleasures to Give Life in the Forest and Woods (Black & White, Cuyahoga Valley National Park)

I Started Out from a Restful Sleep and Realized That Today Was a Beautiful Day! (Black & White, Cuyahoga Valley National Park)

Best Shot of the Night

Brandywine Falls

Quarry Rock Waterfalls

Hudson Springs Park

Brandywine Falls

Brandywine fall in Fall

Brandywine Falls Sunrise