Old Waxhaw: Walkup, James (1807)

419 County Courthouse Img259_07

Outdoor Photo Shoot / Yantra Motif: Grasses/Green

Jack jumping out ahead

At a rest stop

Jack taking our picture

Video of L&C under bridge

Old Waxhaw Presbyterian Church Cemetery

Carolina Winter Sunset

Rocky Shoals Spider Lily

Tired of the indoors

L&C 10 at Fosters Crossroads

Landscape Painting

Lansford Canal Spider Lilies-90

Landscape Hill Blue

Lansford Canal Spider Lilies-92

Andrew Jackson State Park

L&C 10 in Lancaster


Landscape Evening Field

Field Modern Art Dark

Landscape Barn

Landsford Canal State Park

South Carolina Fall

Lansford Canal Spider Lilies-101

Landscape Painting Trail

Beach Landscape

Landsford state park

Forever in the Forest