Jefferson's Poppy

Mr. Jefferson's Vegetable Garden

View From the Garden Pavillion

5176 Guess Whooo's coming to town! (My Number 1) All time as of 11/24/2012 - 2,419 Views

Fishpond at Thomas Jefferson's Monticello

Double-crested Cormorant Wing-drying

University of Virginia - The Rotunda - July 1984

The Approach

Coal Tower

University of Virginia - The Rotunda, Dome Room

Afternoon Walk on the Mall

The Last Colorful Tree

Sunday In the Suburbs_10

Sunday In the Suburbs_02

Jefferson's Monticello

Lawn rooms

Black-billed Cuckoo

distorted view

Evening View of the Paramount

Michie Tavern-Albemarle County Virginia 04342

Thomas Jefferson's Monticello

Looking at Cabell Hall

Beaver Creek Reservoir

May 04, 2021-2075-Edit.jpg

Folding Ridge

Ivy Creek Natural Trail

Foggy Morning

Breezy Field

The Lawn

Foliage from Monticello

Albemarle Winter

Summer Lawn

veggie garden @Monticello

Autumn morning.

sunset in the mountains

Springhaven Morning

Charlottesville Reservoir

Charlottesville Reservoir

Halloween Pennant

Mr. Jefferson's Plan

Sunrise behind the skate park.