100% Chance of Snow...

Early Start

Composite shot

a Snowy Stalker

Those Terrible Talons

Bay-breasted Warbler

Evening Grosbeak

Star of Cape May

Sandblasted Sanderling

The Atlantus Shipwreck

Soybean Looper

And Know That Danger Finally Goes Away

Battery 223

Northern Goshawk & Cooper's Hawk

A Magnificent Osprey Landing

A Cape May Sunset

Black Skimmer

Sunset Point

Willet on the Wing

Pretty in Pink

Seaside Osprey

Shooting the shooter

Cape May Lighthouse, Infrared 2

The rare double rainbow pano...

Salt Marsh Heron

Horizon Sun Set

Cape May Lighthouse from The Cove Beach

Cape May Light - revisited

.. Minutes later

Perry (unbanded #4) 9/2/18

Double Bow

Beach drifters

Avalon, New-Jersey [Explored!]

'to the beach'

The impasse was all in my mind

Tools Of The Trade

Point Wave

Into the Blue

Windswept Divide