Main Entrance @ Pueblo El Mirage, AZ

Don't Fence Me In


Mail & Laundry @ Pueblo El Mirage, AZ

One of the views on the trail today. #coffeeken #divine_desert #azlife #adventuretoanywhere #borntobunk #wishyouwherehere #

More friday afternoon views.

general dynamics f-16a fighting falcon

Fault Line #faultline #granite #whitemountankmountains #hiking #exploring #visitAZ #cdvisions

Waterfall Trails #hook #faultline #waterfall trail #whitemountankmountain #granite surprise #Arizona #hiking #canyon

Inside-out view

Fire Alarm

Arizona Sunset After a Storm - Fractal Mosaic, v.2

The Caboose in HDR

Not a typical view from Luke Tower.

Classic Pontiac Lineup

A Rainbow of Feathers

Warthog Ground View

In the Beginning...

Comet C/2011 L4 (Pan-STARRS) and Crescent Moon

Courts @ Pueblo El Mirage Resort, AZ

Dog Run @ Pueblo El Mirage, AZ

Dove Valley, AZ

Monsoon storm rolling in from the south.

Late Arizona Sunset - Original

Late Arizona Sunset - Mosaic

Thunder Storm

Peoria West Wing Mountain Preserve

Good morning from the #desert part 2

Rocky climb up Ford Canyon. Byers training is on @papagile #AZ

Arizona 6:00pm

On my way to town

Good Evening Arizona

Camera Roll-730

Fahrt im Heißluftballon

Belated Happy New Year

#desert #landscape

Dust storm rolling through yesterday.

Once again another amazing #sunset

Monsoon Clouds - Late Afternoon Rain Squal