Wolf's Lair

Pennybacker Sunset

Bluebell spotlight

This will soon be my new view.

The Boats Start To Arrive

Pennybacker Bridge Sunset

360 Sunset

I see you! Green Dasher Dragonfly

Libellula croceipennis - Neon Skimmer Dragonfly, Brushy Creek, Round Rock, TX set 10-19-08

Pennybacker Bridge Panoramic

A Cross in the Sunday Sky

Autumn Meadowhawk - Sympetrum vicinum, Brushy Creek, Round Rock, TX set 11-01-08

Mid ride view. On my way back down

Mayfield Park

Pennybacker Bridge in the Fog

Mount Bonnell

Austin Sunrise

View from Mt. Bonnell

Praying Mantis, Round Rock, TX set 10-16-08

360 Bridge Austin Texas

Where The Sidewalk Ends

Lazy Creek

Move towards the light

Happy Slider Sunday 10.21.12

Happy Fence Friday...;)

The old country home

game over

Good morning Austin

Memory of tree

Brushy Creek

Fence Friday 12/14/12

Texas Hill Country Clouds

sulphur-tipped clubtail

December Sunset

Morning walk

Mist/Rain over Brushycreek Lake

Early Morning Blue

new lanscaping

Kickball #action @theillumiletty

Bull Creek

Field of Wildflowers

There's a Tree on the Wall with Megan