100% Chance of Snow...

Sunset Point

a Snowy Stalker

Bay-breasted Warbler

Evening Grosbeak

Surfside Plover

Star of Cape May

Cape May Light - revisited

Sandblasted Sanderling

The Atlantus Shipwreck

Blue Sky Gannet

And Know That Danger Finally Goes Away

Antares Rocket Launch - Chincoteague

Sanderling in the Wash

Cape May

Wood Storks

A Magnificent Osprey Landing

Early Start

Composite shot

A Cape May Sunset

Black Skimmer

Tools Of The Trade

Windswept Divide

Shooting the shooter


Old Acquintance

Horizon Sun Set

Living on the Edge

Cape May Lighthouse on a cloudy day

Just press play

Cape May Lighthouse, Infrared 2

Perry (unbanded #4) 9/2/18

Jersey Shore I

Dock of the Bay

lightning over Princeton Harbor

Beach Sunrise

Beach drifters

'to the beach'