Celebration Alton

CPL's at Wann

Mississippi River Rocks

Piasa Bird on the bluffs of the Mississippi River

The Clark Bridge

Star Trails 9/11/07

Mississippi Fishers

Powerlines and meteorites

Differential Grasshopper

Views from Train 302 (1)

view over Mississippi at Alton

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FTRL 1206

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The Andromeda Galaxy and Companions.

Lewis and Clark Community College Godfrey Campus May 2013

Differential Grasshopper

View of the Mississippi


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Views from Train 302 (3)

Wind Whipped Winter Field

Alton, IL riverfront.

Pallottine Renewal Center

October afternoon on the river...

Winter in Missouri

River Road

Snow Geese on Frozen Pond


Getting a Running Start

Blue Heron

Mississippi barge

Icy Front Porch

Dead....and gone.

Blue Heron

Eagle shoot with robin 1-13-2013

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Trumpeter Swans, Saint Louis

Hurricane Isaac over the Midwest

little house on the prairie

Crisp Winter Landscape

Sky in Jville this afternoon