Abiah Taylor Farm

J707-Oenothera biennis-100827-2

Halloween Pennant

Orchid - insect's view

Anthurim - BW

Hibernia Park (10/1/2010) CCPP PS-MO P1.02

ESPN GP38-2-2179, 2173 S/B at Mortonville, PA.

Curvy Trees

Red Spotted Purple ventral view

Longwood Gardens Lily Pads

Landscape View

A Sea of Daisies

Water Lily at Longwood Gardens

Red Spotted Purple Butterfly on Sedum

Beauty of Nature

Mallard drake in flight

Orchid + Haiku

Flickr Photo #1000

101230 Struble Trail 072

Pearl Crescent (dorsal view)

L404-Datura stramonium-101014.jpg

Where the buffalo roam

Stroud Farm, Nov.'14


golden hour on the Brandywine River

Great Beginnings

Last Light on the Stroud Farm

Tawny Skipper

Clouded Sulfur

Just a Song Sparrow

110501 Stroud Preserve 104 tm - Research Center

WyeBrook 2

Feather Light - (20110619 Marsh Creek 116)

Slippery Rock

Trees and "Lightning"

Warmer days

Cheslen Preserve


Monarch on last coneflower

The Spicebush Swallowtail.