rosy filter

i was up above it

Cherohala Skyway

Great Smoky Mountains National Park

smoky mountains


View of the Little Tennessee River

GSMNP Backpack Day 6 - June 28, 2014 - View Downstream of Fontana Dam

View from the Dam

Back to the Smokies in 33 days and counting

Mountain views

140706-3175 Fontana Dam

the sylvan way

Sassafras Falls in the #snowbird wilderness...couldn't find the trail so we hiked up the creek...a well earned view :) #brysoncityoutdoors #lifeoutside


a view from a bridge

Historic Log Structures

scariest hole in the world: fontana dam spillway


Stormy Smokeys

Mike and Amber on Sratton Bald

Fontana Dam

Cheoah Dam

Little Tennessee

Cherohala Skyway

Fontana Dam

Blue Vista

Into the Woods

GSMNP Backpack Day 6 - June 28, 2014 - Approaching Fontana Dam

Blue Waters 2012

140706-3151 Fontana Dam

GSMNP Backpack Day 6 - June 28, 2014 - Downstream of Fontana Dam

Fontana Dam Island

140706-3174 Fontana Lake

Obadiah Gap on the Cherohala Skyway

GSMNP Backpack Day 6 - June 28, 2014 - Panorama from Fontana Dam

Blue Waters 2012

Blue Waters 2012