Fall bridge

The Enchanting Icicles, 2014.01.10

Creek and Bridge, 2014.01.10

In its Winter Glory, 2014.01.10

Clinging, 2014.01.10

Ice Daggers, 2014.01.10

The Icy Creek, 2014.01.10

Ice-plastered, 2014.01.10

Fissure, 2014.01.10

The Icy Edges, 2014.01.10

Love the view on my ride to the lake

The View from Above (the cascades), 2012/11/14

Hemlocks and Craggy Ledge, 2014.01.10

The Cascades, 2014.01.10

Route 6 Overlook View

Snowy Hemlocks, 2014.01.10

Tunkahannock, PA street view

Tunkhannock Viaduct

Little Rocky Glen Preserve (1)

Little Rocky Glen Preserve (2)

Fallen Tree

Looking Upstream, 2012/11/14

Little Rocky Glen Preserve (6)

Little Rocky Glen Preserve (7)

Little Rocky Glen Preserve (9)

Steamtown National History Site-Excursion to the Tunkhannock Viaduct at Nicholson, Pennsylvania

Nicholson Bridge

In Great Detail, 2012/11/14

BNSF 7089

Flood_18SEP04 014

The Cascades, 2012/11/14

Shooting the Reflections Downstream (iPhone 4S), 2012/11/14

Backlit Hemlocks (alternate),2012.11.14

Tunkhannock Viaduct