the Red Knot Army

A Colorful Sanderling

100% Chance of Snow...

A Two-Stepping Dunlin

Early Start

a Snowy Stalker

Pretty in Pink

Seaside Osprey

Those Terrible Talons

Rufa Red Knot

Surfside Plover

Sleepy Dunlin

Little Star

Star of Cape May

Lazy Summer Days...

Gaze of the Osprey

Red Knot

Blue Sky Gannet

Foraging Sanderling

And Know That Danger Finally Goes Away

View of Beach from Montreal Inn, Cape May, New Jersey

Salt Marsh Heron

Living on the Edge

Cape May Lighthouse from The Cove Beach

Sandblasted Sanderling

.. Minutes later

Double Bow

Dock of the Bay

This chancy rendezvous

On a Pink Cloud

Avalon, New-Jersey [Explored!]

'to the beach'

Cape May, NJ

Walking Toward Julia

simplicity 1017

The impasse was all in my mind

Tools Of The Trade

Into the Blue


Old Acquintance

Cape May Seascape