100% Chance of Snow...

Sunset Point

Those Terrible Talons

Evening Grosbeak

Rufa Red Knot

Cape May Light - revisited

The Atlantus Shipwreck

Soybean Looper

View of Beach from Montreal Inn, Cape May, New Jersey

Battery 223

Northern Goshawk & Cooper's Hawk

the Red Knot Army

A Colorful Sanderling

A Two-Stepping Dunlin

A Magnificent Osprey Landing

Early Start

Composite shot

A Cape May Sunset

Black Skimmer

a Snowy Stalker

Willet on the Wing

Shooting the shooter

Cape May Lighthouse Cloudy

Cape May Seascape

Salt Marsh Heron

Horizon Sun Set

Living on the Edge

Star of Cape May

Cape May Lighthouse on a cloudy day

Infinite reflection

Sandblasted Sanderling

Jersey Shore I

Avalon, New-Jersey [Explored!]

The impasse was all in my mind

Tools Of The Trade

Point Wave

Into the Blue

Windswept Divide


Old Acquintance