view from the balcony
Top view
How and Why and How much ... should a human endure ?
Ulm Minster
best of new-ulm is ...
1) Wood, no salt
The most beautiful View is the one I share with You
Double view without a future
Ulmer Weihnachtsmarkt
Christmas Market in Ulm 2009
Donau und Ulmer Münster
The Library (HDR Vertorama)
Ulm interior
Ulmer Münster - Hauptschiff - Langhaus - Basilika. My Photopedia.
Resurrected Contax RTS
3) Even more wood
Yes, we can !!! or "The ♪♫♪♫♪ Symphony"
Deep blue
Sonnenaufgang, 21.09.2012 Pano (5)
ERZENGEL Michael - Michael hebräisch מיכאל; arabisch ميكائيل/ميكال „Mīkā’īl“ bzw. „Mīkāl“. Auf deutsch „Wer ist wie Gott?“
Red poppy
ÖBB 1016.023 "Green Points" Günzburg (3239)
the last rays ...
Less than perfect
Marbled White
Neu Ulm Au
Illuminierte Weide
Dew necklace
autumn by the danube 2
Little Sweeties
2010 0926 01 -- 0246
Bad weather
Morning has broken....
Ulm / Donau
A beautiful day in the park!
Ulm #Ulm #Germany #landscape #oldcity #city #cathedral #may
Kloster Wiblingen