014e calceolaria

004e to everything there is a season...

3291e2 Dewy lily

010e vivid reds aglow

002e2 quiet winter beauty

119e peeking

Family photo

256e buckeye on pink 2

109e pileated woodpecker

034e "It was here just a minute ago...." **Explore 05/19/11 #310**

Garden Entrance

018e blue-- full look

025e2 cheery colors

137e pollinated--and loving it

096e Red Admiral ** Explore **

Two Towers

IMG_3303e cactus blossom in morning sun

219e2 sunflower at the pollen level

005e prickly pear bloom

Stylish Shove

132e sunny sunflower face

Needed A Fix

IMG_7072 Hot Hazy Lazy

Summer Scramble

Thanksgiving Barn

Bright light

IMG_0909 Photographer

Brown times three IMG_3263

April, come she will

Once it held laughter, once it held dreams...


Sharon Road Curve IMG_2426

Summer Sunset

autumn’s pencil

Sun's rising on a choppy glare

Please let me wonder

Swirls & Reflections

IMG_2794 Foggy Winter Walk

Waterfall and Rock Bridge

Sharon Woods waterfall

rushing water