Biltmore House View

Morning dewdrops on grass

hbw... happy butterfly wednesday my friends!

Biltmore House View II

Nibbled mushroom (Green-spored Lepiota - Chlorophyllum molybdites)

Biltmore House at Christmas

Biltmore House at Christmas

sunset 3-26-20

View from Grove Park Inn - Asheville NC

Island in the Fog

sunset 8-16-2017

Biltmore 07-23-2018 56

1947 Willy's Rat Rod (Asheville, North Carolina)

WNC Arboretum (Asheville, North Carolina)

View from the Loggia

Underside of Green-spored Lepiota mushroom (Chlorophyllum molybdites)

The View from the Grove Park Inn

Biltmore House

After the rose petals have fallen

Merry Christmas from Biltmore House

Winter reflections

Asheville, North Carolina

Old Bird Bath

Biltmore House

winter landscape, overhanging limbs, cornfield, Biltmore Estate, Asheville, NC, Graflex Crown Graphic, Schneider Symmar f-5.6, 150mm, Bergger Pancro 400, HC-110 developer, 11.22.20

flooded landscape, tree trunk, refelctions, French Broad River, Biltmore Estate, Asheville, NC, Minolta XG-M, Super Albinon 28mm f-2.8, Arista.Edu 200, Moersch Eco developer, 11.22.20

Colorful Flowers

dusk, overhanging branches, French Broad River, Biltmore Estate, Asheville, NC, Graflex Crown Graphic, Schneider Symmar f-5.6, 150mm, Bergger Pancro 400, HC-110 developer, 11.22.20

tree and plant forms, blossiming, backlit, yard, Asheville, NC, Apple iPhone 11, 4.3.20

Frederick Law Olmsted - North Carolina Arboretum - Asheville NC

landscape at Biltmore Estate, trees, hillside, dirt roadway, foreground leaves and branches, Asheville, NC, Minolta XG-M, Super Albinon 28mm f-2.8, Arista.Edu 200, Moersch Eco developer, 11.22.20

early winter landscape, stone pathway, tall trees, near dusk, grounds, Kenilworth Inn, Asheville, NC, Mamiya 645 Pro, mamiya sekkor 45mm f-2.8, Foma 400, HC-110 developer, 11.10.20

urban landscape, metal fence, barbed wire, architectural forms, dusk, Asheville, NC, Nikon D3300, mamiya sekkor 145mm f-4, 11.8.20

Blue Ridge becomes the Red Ridge

8-6-19 Sunset

Until You Reach The Sun

Lazy day along the French Broad