Burbuja inmobiliaria
Resting trailer / Remolque descansando
Privacy of the field / La intimidad del campo
Cotton clouds / Nubes de algodón
Postal de invierno
mozos de cea leon 2010 (22)
Alpacas de paja
A Spanish Landscape
mozos de cea leon 2010 (25)
Fields of Gold
castillo de Cea
Almanza, río Cea, León
Campa con las eras al fondo
20130911 15 281 Jakobus Wolken Weg Feld Baum_P01
20130911 15 282 Jakobus Wolken Feld Baum
Roman roads, being so straight, are much more boring to walk than I thought they would, although you do get some nice scenery sometimes.
20130911 15 262 Jakobus Weite Feld Bäume Wald Weg
After a long day of bleak, lonely road.
20130911 15 273 Jakobus Feld Weg Baum
20130911 15 270 Jakobus Wolken Feld Weg Pilger
20130911 15 276 Jakobus Feld Busch Weg Pilger