Fortsatt vinter / Still winter

VII.2012 — Fuir au Nord, 48

View towards the north

Sharp left turn..

Jade Buddha for Universal Peace

Home Again - Gardermoen, Norway - Day 196/365

LA/AH-015 Vardehøgda

Råholt kirke 1

Råholt kirke 2

30 minutes in Norway

USA2011 0001

The Elton View

Evening view towards the west

26. Almost landed, Gardermoen (Norway)

Hurdalsjøen Panorama View

Setting Sun On Norwegian Wood (Houses)


The Kepler star!

Oslo Frieghters

The Kepler Star! V2

Ain't No Rest..

Specially light on the sky/Explore

Autumn Color-1

The dam

Sten i vann_edited-1.jpg

November tree


Nordbytjernet seen from the south

Nordbytjernet, seen from the west

At the field

Gardemoen, Norway 002

Nordbytjernet fra vestsiden

Klofta Norway Snow

Evening at Kulsrudjordet.jpg

Romerike folkehøyskole, seen from the west

Nordbytjernet seen from the west 2

Farming in Dalstu, Norway.jpg

Nordbytjernet, speiling

Nordbytjernet i april

Nordbytjernet i høststemning

Nordbytjenernet 6. oktober 2013-2