August 17, 2012 | {230:366}

Fabulous Feline

August 16, 2013 | {228:365}

~ Cropped Crops Cropped ~

Matthew Hits the Sauce Pretty Hard

Milton Rd Storm Panorama

Northern Wheatear

2013 New Years Sunrise_MG_7969-001

The Requisite Cat Picture (Canon 35L II)

My World Now (Impressive front view of my workplace, looking again & again helps me to forgive my past.

Milky Way

55:365 Barn cats

Northern Wheatear

Milky Way III

Canada Day - Greely Fireworks


Canada Day SnowBirds

Canada Day SnowBirds

Lesser Snow Goose Flock "Blast Off"

New used Fuji X100

My dreaded enemy: Eastern yellow jacket

ricordi di un gelido inverno

Last goodbyes...

Dew so early

'Burbia Dawning

Winter Reminders

Happy 70th Birthday Bob Dylan!!

Christmas in Ottawa

Sheep Dog

Ice Cream Sandwich Storm Could-IMG_5266

Monocots and Monoliths

Sheep Dog on Duty 144/365

Fall Grid

The Farm

Running heard.

Barrelling Down

Mysterious path 0316

cultivating the new field

Reach for the Top

Pond Waterfall 2