by request

Behind the fence.... [Explore#31]

Shallow #5 [Explore #15]

Break Out [Explore #128]

Autumn view of Rapids Bridge in Rock Creek Park

African Daisy... November surprise!

If The Rain Comes They Run And Hide Their Heads

Sunlit Gazania... Brilliant Orange Beauty...

What More In The Name Of Love

Good morning, Spring!

Staging for take off

Window view

Delicate November blooming African Daisy...

HBW - Daffodil

Slippery Slope... bee gathering pollen in Balloon Flower...

There will be an answer, let it be

The Sanctuary

Shallow #9

Let Me See You Smile Again

The Path

National Cathedral, inside the main chapel

Waterfall at Turkey Run Park

Rock Creek Park

Its just around the bend

Coming to the Tree

Autumn in glorious color

Big World for Little Adam

Rock Creek Park

patterns in the stream

Dinner on the cove

Waterfall at Turkey Run Park

the woodshed

C'est la vie

Lake Needwood in Maryland, USA

Rock Creek Parkway

Lake Artemesia