after the storm

Una croce nel grano.

EllE EssE Dì

cute teen-girls walk too fast for my Leica

Being Older

Green, Sunset.

MILONGA#8 : My shoe' view

Old country views

pain of night and loneliness


P1020524 scenic view

Marchiatura - Marking

hole in the sky

In the alleys, Points of View

Benvenuta Estate!

Beat | Thanks to everyone for your views, comments & favs.

Frutta di stagione

White lady view, Palio di Asti, 16 settembre 2007

midsummer moonlight

Nature ...

Asti, Piazza San Secondo, Collegiata di San Secondo, Blick ins rechte Seitenschiff (view towards the R. H. side nave)

Every day is Earth Day.

Sunrise in the hills.

A sunny day on the Monferrato

"I guess there is always the temptation for me to try to tell as far as practicable, the emotions. When it is difficult to do so with the words I try to tell of the contexts in which that emotion trying to leave alone."

Cercare un tramonto (AL)

A waning Sun is reflected on the ears of grain (sunset series 2/3)

Il mio nuovo pezzo di mondo

Montechiaro d'Asti

Poco prima che le tenebre si impossessino del mondo, il cielo si infiamma e manda la sua Buonanotte.

Poppies HDR

Evening in #CostiglioledAsti #Bastia #Landscape #volgoasti #Piemonte_super_pics #vineyards #moscatodasti

Il famoso crinale di #Vinchio #Monferrato #valigiaaduepiazze

Le belle colline Piemontesi.. #smokeart2012 Visita il blog #smokeart2012

little church on grassy hill

winter 2012

il #super #soffione

Giusto in tempo????

I portici di Nizza Monferrato

Langa magica: notturno